[Case Study] Homeowner Avoids Foreclosure & Wins $18.5K Settlement

E.J. Simonsen | Aug 9, 2022

Michelle Smith & The Lane Law Firm

We had always had perfect credit with our house, absolutely perfect credit. Never missed a payment, and then, unfortunately, I got a brain tumor and got sick. I ended up in the hospital for a year and had eight separate brain surgeries. With everything going on, we ended up falling behind on the house, so we called the bank asking for a loan or some way to fix it.

The Problem — Denied Loan Modifications & a Foreclosure Claim

A modification is what they came up with, and that's where we began, with modification after modification. They denied and denied, and it went on so long, that they told us they wouldn't be able to help us. And, of course, that's when my house went into foreclosure.

The Solution — A Stopped Foreclosure & A New Home, With the Help of The Lane Law Firm

I hear about The Lane Law Firm through my church. I had a good friend of mine who had referred me to the Lane Law Firm. I called them up and came to meet with them. From the moment I met with them, I knew right away that this was the place that I was supposed to be.

They assured me that they would be able to help me in some way or another — and would always be honest with us about our situation. We signed the papers, said take care of it, and that's exactly what they did. He made sure that I did not worry during my illnesses, for all of these years. He would always keep that fear of losing my home and living under a bridge away from me.

Not only have I been able to stay in my home for the last five years, but I also am being paid to leave my home, so I can get on with my life and get a new home. A new beginning.

It would not have been possible without the help of my lawyers. There's no way I'd be here today, or even have a home, a roof over my head, without them.

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